I was skeptical, but the things actually work well.

Twenty-nine days, through some of the hottest parts of the country at the hottest time of year. Vegas at 110-degrees and hiking the Grand Canyon were the biggest tests and the Magic Underwear performed flawlessly.

It took only a couple minutes each night to wash and rinse that day’s pair – I found that the hotel’s shampoo worked well for that.  By the next morning, that pair was usually dry from hanging on the shower rod.  If it wasn’t, a brief stint with the hair dryer provided by the hotel typically sufficed to put it right. 

And if there was no hair dryer, then it would dry well if placed on top of things in my duffel bag for the days driving.

They’re extremely lightweight and roll up to practically nothing, but they’re quite comfortable, and feel fresh and clean the next day.

But, even though it’s only a few minutes each night, I probably won’t use them again for a roadtrip where I can easily pack more than two pair of underwear without a problem.  Or, if I do bring them, they’ll be the emergency undies in case I run into a long stretch between washing machines.  After ten or twelve hours of driving, even a few minutes feels like a lot of work.

Where space and weight are an issue, though, these’ll definitely be packed and put to use.  Hiking, camping, multi-day kayaking trips … for those, the magic underwear will be along.  Especially for kayaking, where I imagine an hour trailing behind the boat in a mesh bag will do the trick without any effort on my part.

Honestly, for those activities I can’t now even imagine using anything else, and I’d like to find other clothing that cleans as easily and dries as quickly.  I’d pack nothing else. In fact, maybe the next trip will be done with only two outfits of similar fabrics.  That could be interesting.