Monday Clinic

So … yeah … not my most impressive showing at the clinic … On the plus-side, I have a new stick.  The old one was wood, no flex at all and cost $19.99.  New one’s composite, has some flex which may help my shot and was $69 – which is still on the cheap side,...

T’s Second Game

This morning’s game for T was a league game, the first league game of the new season. Period 1 – Shift 1 It looks like he took what his coach and I told him about skating harder to heart, because he really did pick up the pace today.  He skated hard on all his...

Junior Hockey

After T’s game today there was a Metropolitan Junior Hockey League game between the Florida Eels and the Space Coast Hurricanes. I saw the Eels play a couple weeks ago at the Kissimmee rink, but I couldn’t stay for the entire game.  This afternoon I was able to...

T’s First Game of the New Season

So T had his first game of the new season this afternoon and we got to see whether the extra skating he’s done over the last month and a half has really improved his skills or not.  It wasn’t a league game at the rink his team’s at – one thing I like about his...

Friday Skate & Shoot

A simple skate & shoot last night and I practiced some of the things I need to work on. First I worked on something I noticed at Monday’s clinic.  From a standing start, I can start moving forward or backward pretty well, but at Monday’s clinic I was trying...
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