Monday Clinic

Made it to my second Monday clinic and it was a much better experience than the first one.  Coach started us off with laps because no one had stretched – four times around, but I was able to stay with the pack and had no foot pain, so I was pretty pleased about...

New Skates, Old Legs

So after a break for the holidays I was able to get on the ice today with the new skates and the Super Feetinserts. Awesome result – the pain in the outside of the left skate is gone completely and most of the heel pain is gone. Still a little bit of discomfort after...

New Skates

Well, I didn’t make it to the lesson this week because I took the kids to dinner with my dad – holidays and all that – but I did make it to skate and shoot last Friday. I had a nice chat with a guy there – Derek, I think, being horrible at remembering names – he’s...

Months of Updates and My First Lesson

So … long time since my last post.  Personal issues have kept me mostly off the ice and I won’t get into too many details except to say that if your marriage counselor ever recommends this book: Accept that life as you know it is over, then find yourself some...

Sunday Skate

The Summer Youth League starts July 10 and T will be done with his lessons by then and ready to join a team. I, on the other hand, will be nowhere near ready. :(  So the little snot’ll be playing before me. If I could get on the ice more for practice then I might...
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