Boat Fever

Florida Bay Outfitters has an annual torment Paul rental fleet sale: Why am I drooling this year? Wilderness Systems Tarpon 160 w/ Rudder for $845 Yes, I already have a Tarpon, but it’s the older model. ...

Weekly Skate

Nothing earth-shaking in skating this week.  T had his regular lesson today and I went to the public skate – after his lesson, he joined me and I had him work on his crossover and backward skating a little bit. I didn’t start the four-week skating lessons...

Some Really Nice Folks and a Jackass

T’s regular lesson in learn-to-play today and not much new, except that I’ve decided not to jump into the current adult learn-to-play session.  I’d like to, but I’ve watched it a couple times now and I’d be the worst skater in there.  Instead, I’ll be taking...
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