by sutherland | Jul 14, 2012 | 2012roadtrip, Uncategorized
Miles MPG Avg. Speed Today Trip Food(today/budget) Hotel(today/budget) Trip Savings $44 / $60 $85 / $100 AAA – $26PriceLine – $856Real $$ – $274 Legion of Honor Museum $12 Horseback Riding $80 Foggy and 55-degrees...
by sutherland | Jul 13, 2012 | 2012roadtrip, Uncategorized
Miles MPG Avg. Speed Today Trip Food(today/budget) Hotel(today/budget) Trip Savings $80 / $90 $85 / $100 AAA – $26PriceLine – $691Real $$ – $258 MUNI Pass $42 Maritime Park $0 ($10 without NPS Pass) I knew it was...
by sutherland | Jul 12, 2012 | 2012roadtrip, Uncategorized
Miles MPG Avg. Speed Today 210 49 34 Trip 3868 46.5 51 Food(today/budget) Hotel(today/budget) Trip Savings $43 / $83 $85 / $100 AAA – $26PriceLine – $526Real $$ – $242 Monterey Bay Aquarium $67 I was up at 6:30 again and while I let Aryn sleep until 8:00,...
by sutherland | Jul 12, 2012 | 2012roadtrip, Uncategorized
Miles MPG Avg. Speed Saturday(Grand Canyon to Vegas) 259 47.7 46 Today 584 47.6 45 Trip 3658 46.3 51 Food(today/budget) Hotel(today/budget) Trip Savings $10 / $43 $78 / $75 AAA – $26PriceLine – $491Real $$ – $272 Sequoia National Park $0 ($20 without...
by sutherland | Jul 10, 2012 | 2012roadtrip, Uncategorized
Miles MPG Avg. Speed Today Trip Food(today/budget) Hotel(today/budget) Trip Savings $103 / $101 $86 / $150 AAA – $26PriceLine – $491Real $$ – $230 Mystere $131 Stratosphere $46 Up at 7:00, Aryn slept until...
by sutherland | Jul 9, 2012 | 2012roadtrip, Uncategorized
Miles MPG Avg. Speed Today Trip Food(today/budget) Hotel(today/budget) Trip Savings $0 / $51 $86 / $150 AAA – $26PriceLine – $408Real $$ – $166 Celine Dion (Aryn) $145 Penn & Teller (me) $57 Gambling +$80 I...