This may be a bit insane

In April I bought a Prius.  This, in and of itself, likely isn’t cause to question my mental health, but what it’s led to this summer may indicate that I have, indeed, gone batcrap-crazy. See, for several years, I’ve been driving a V8 Mountaineer that averages 16...

Why Write This Blog

Especially after my latest clinic experience, a friend or two has questioned why I write this blog.  After all, it’s not like my kayaking blog, where I actually know what I’m doing; or my programming blog, where I’m writing about a field I have some expertise...

Friday Skate & Shoot

A simple skate & shoot last night and I practiced some of the things I need to work on. First I worked on something I noticed at Monday’s clinic.  From a standing start, I can start moving forward or backward pretty well, but at Monday’s clinic I was trying...