Day 17–Sleepless in Seattle
Miles MPG Avg. Speed Today 371 50.6 49 Trip 5103 46.8 48 Food(today/budget) Hotel(today/budget) Trip Savings $45 / $99 $169 / $100 AAA - $26PriceLine – $900Real $$ – $250 After getting to the hotel at 1:00AM, we got up at 6:00 to get back on the road. Very...
Day 16–It was the best of days, it was the worst of days …
Miles MPG Avg. Speed Scotts Valley to San Francisco 155 48.4 25 Today 708 47 49 Trip 4732 46.7 48 Food(today/budget) Hotel(today/budget) Trip Savings $17 / $66 $55 / $100 AAA - $26PriceLine – $900Real $$ – $319 Lava Beds National Monument $0 ($10 without NPS...
Day 15–The coldest winter I ever spent …
Miles MPG Avg. Speed Today Trip Food(today/budget) Hotel(today/budget) Trip Savings $44 / $60 $85 / $100 AAA - $26PriceLine – $856Real $$ – $274 Legion of Honor Museum $12 Horseback Riding $80 Foggy and 55-degrees –...
Day 14–The San Francisco Trick
Miles MPG Avg. Speed Today Trip Food(today/budget) Hotel(today/budget) Trip Savings $80 / $90 $85 / $100 AAA - $26PriceLine – $691Real $$ – $258 MUNI Pass $42 Maritime Park $0 ($10 without NPS Pass) I knew it was...
Day 13–Hairy Otter
Miles MPG Avg. Speed Today 210 49 34 Trip 3868 46.5 51 Food(today/budget) Hotel(today/budget) Trip Savings $43 / $83 $85 / $100 AAA - $26PriceLine – $526Real $$ – $242 Monterey Bay Aquarium $67 I was up at 6:30 again and while I let Aryn sleep until 8:00, I got...
Day 12–Leaving Las Vegas
Miles MPG Avg. Speed Saturday(Grand Canyon to Vegas) 259 47.7 46 Today 584 47.6 45 Trip 3658 46.3 51 Food(today/budget) Hotel(today/budget) Trip Savings $10 / $43 $78 / $75 AAA - $26PriceLine – $491Real $$ – $272 Sequoia National Park $0 ($20 without Annual...
Day 11–Stratosphere and Mystere
Miles MPG Avg. Speed Today Trip Food(today/budget) Hotel(today/budget) Trip Savings $103 / $101 $86 / $150 AAA - $26PriceLine – $491Real $$ – $230 Mystere $131 Stratosphere $46 Up at 7:00, Aryn slept until 8:00. ...
Interlude–San Francisco Hotels
If the Vegas hotel question bothered me, San Francisco worried me to the point of denial and not wanting to think about it. I’ve been watching the rates for weeks and they’ve kept going up – but I couldn’t book anything, because I didn’t know exactly when we’d...
Day 10–We’ll always have Paris
Miles MPG Avg. Speed Today Trip Food(today/budget) Hotel(today/budget) Trip Savings $0 / $51 $86 / $150 AAA - $26PriceLine – $408Real $$ – $166 Celine Dion (Aryn) $145 Penn & Teller (me) $57 Gambling +$80 I woke up...
Day 9–Viva Las Priceline
Miles MPG Avg. Speed Today Trip Food(today/budget) Hotel(today/budget) Trip Savings $118 / $119 $86 / $150 AAA - $26PriceLine – $325Real $$ – $102 Hoover Dam Parking $7 Ka $195 The Vegas hotel question has bothered me,...