Alexis Carew Series Books

T’s First Game of the New Season

So T had his first game of the new season this afternoon and we got to see whether the extra skating he’s done over the last month and a half has really improved his skills or not.  It wasn’t a league game at the rink his team’s at – one thing I like about his...

Friday Skate & Shoot

A simple skate & shoot last night and I practiced some of the things I need to work on. First I worked on something I noticed at Monday’s clinic.  From a standing start, I can start moving forward or backward pretty well, but at Monday’s clinic I was trying...

I’m not the Slowest! (except sometimes)

The skating drill at tonight’s clinic was an important milestone for me: I wasn’t the last one across the ice in one of the drills. Yay! So skating drill tonight was goal-line to blue-line forward, then return backward; then the same to the red-line; then the same to...

Boy-child’s Draft Skate

The boy-child’s draft skate was tonight, so we got to see him in context with the other players in his league again and there was some improvement over the first draft – which I didn’t blog about because it was still close to the whole divorce-thing starting and I...

Monday Clinic

Tonight’s clinic started in what I’m going to start calling The Bad Way – that is, goal-line to goal-line skating drills that I’ve described in two of the last three clinic posts.  Not going to elaborate further again. However, they didn’t wear me out as much as...

Monday Clinic

Last night’s clinic started much the same as my first one – that is to say, lots of end-to-end skating drills.  This time, though, I seem to be in a little better shape – I’m still out of breath and dragging at the end, but at least I was able to continue with...

Skate & Shoot

Friday skate & shoot with the boy-child went well.  I got some good skating in along with some practice handling the puck.  Even practiced my tickle-shot a little … Okay, I’ll explain – some people have a slapshot – well, mine falls more toward the...

Monday Clinic

Made it to my second Monday clinic and it was a much better experience than the first one.  Coach started us off with laps because no one had stretched – four times around, but I was able to stay with the pack and had no foot pain, so I was pretty pleased about...

New Skates, Old Legs

So after a break for the holidays I was able to get on the ice today with the new skates and the Super Feetinserts. Awesome result – the pain in the outside of the left skate is gone completely and most of the heel pain is gone. Still a little bit of discomfort after...

New Skates

Well, I didn’t make it to the lesson this week because I took the kids to dinner with my dad – holidays and all that – but I did make it to skate and shoot last Friday. I had a nice chat with a guy there – Derek, I think, being horrible at remembering names – he’s...

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