Alexis Carew Series Books

Daniel Kensington

Hey, everyone! I'm Dan and I'm thrilled to announce I've just been signed by Darkspace Press for my new series, Warlock! Warlock is a Harem/Magic School Urban Fantasy, and, yes, it has sexy-times! Warlock is going to be offered first as a serial on Royal Road, but...

Why the preorder was canceled

Hey everyone, I know it is been a very long time since the last update and all of you are wondering what happened why the preorder was canceled, and what the status of the next Alexis Carew book is. TL; DR It's not done and I don't know when it will be, but I'm going...

No Good Writing News, But We Have Dogs

Yes, it's been a long, unconscionable time since I posted a writing update. If I thought 2019 was a bad writing year, 2020 handed off a beer. I've been told my lack of posts and unresponsiveness to queries has led some people to wonder if I'm dead ... I'm really sorry...

Alexis Carew #7 Update and a Really Bad Writing Year

tl;dr - The next Carew book isn't going to be released this year. The story's simply not coming together yet, and it's been a really rough year for writing. It's mid-October, well past the time that a new Alexis Carew book would typically be available for preorder and...

Creator Review: LegalEagle – Youtube

I maintain that this is the best time in history to be a creator - author, poet, artist, or, in this case, video. So I'm going to start a series of reviews/recommendations, starting with LegalEagle's youtube channel and his movie reviews....

Reader Question: Kindle Unlimited & Loss Leaders

My last post on ranking garnered a great comment that deserves an answer long enough to be its own post: I have a number of favorite authors who offer all of their books through Kindle Unlimited. How does writer compensation work with K.U. does the availability of...

Business of Writing: We’re #1!!

Well, no, not really. As of this writing, James Patterson is #1, but it would be nice, right? Number one seller in the Amazon US store? Maybe. It would certainly mean a lot of sales, and a lot of visibility, but, for most authors, it would come at a cost in...

Book Recommendation: Star Runners

A fun read with a YA feel. "I wish I could tell you how cool this is." High school senior Austin Stone didn't know what his best friend meant by the comment uttered during an online chat, but he forces himself to accept the fact his friends are leaving him behind. His...