One thing I didn’t realize before starting all this was how much you sweat in hockey – I mean, ice, right? Cold? Sweat comes from heat, right?

Well, once all that gear’s on and you skate for forty-five minutes, you find out different. And even I know that leaving the gear wet is going to result in damp, stinky gear the next time you put it on.

So some kind of stand to let the pads and such dry is in order, but after just buying two sets of gear, another $40-$60 each for stands seems a bit much.  I’d rather spend that on ice time.

So T and I headed over to my crack dealer* Home Depot to see what we could come up with.  For $20 we got enough PVC, connectors, PVC glue and a hacksaw blade to make two stands.

T did all the measuring and cutting of this by himself, I just did the gluing.  Here’s a stop-motion clip of him doing the dry-fit:


One problem with this: We went with 3/4” PVC and the upright bends too much with all the gear on it.  The arms are fine, but it sways like a sapling.  Should have gone with 1” for the upright.  But, never fear, attaching a 2” piece to brace it** works fine and provides a convenient tube to put the stick in:


Next is for me to build mine and figure out where to put it … right now the gear’s piled in a corner of the bedroom, but I’m not sure how long that’ll be acceptable.


* I’ve started a lot of projects around the house recently and kitten thinks I’m addicted to Home Depot.  I disagree – I’ve only been there about a hundred times in the last month, which is perfectly reasonable.

** Yes, getting the 2” PVC required another trip to Home Depot. I feel much better now and the shakes have subsided.