I’ve been working on a Patreon page for several months now — as well as hemming and hawing about whether to actually make it public. Patreon’s a rather different model — one I’m not entirely sure I’m comfortable with — because it’s “support” rather than “purchase”. On the other hand, the arts have a long history of patronage support, and with today’s technology, you don’t have to be a Medici to engage in it.

What convinced me to go ahead and run with it, is that someone pledged $1 a month yesterday, with the page just sitting out there. That was kind of cool. 🙂

I’ve set up different levels of monthly support — ranging from $1 to no-that’s-stupid-don’t-do-it — and the rewards will be things like:

Pictures of the Big Bad Wolf

Essays on the Alexis Carew Universe

Previews of ongoing work, such as a sneak peek at Chapter 1 of HMS Nightingale

A fictionalized serial of my family’s ongoing D&D sessions

… and more …

If Patreon’s not your thing, no worries. 🙂 If it is, maybe you’d like to check it out.

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