Back Again

So back in May I hurt my shoulder – wakeboarding, not hockey-related.  That put me on the sidelines for a few weeks, and then I was very busy planning and preparing for a trip around the country with my daughter.  That put me into August, by which time, of...

Review–The Magic Underwear

I was skeptical, but the things actually work well.Twenty-nine days, through some of the hottest parts of the country at the hottest time of year. Vegas at 110-degrees and hiking the Grand Canyon were the biggest tests and the Magic Underwear performed flawlessly. It...

Review–Toyota Prius

Well … after driving over 9700 miles in 28 days, I think I can now offer an opinion about the Toyota Prius. The gas mileage is obviously its most outstanding feature, averaging 46.8 mpg over the 9700 miles.  This is lower than the advertised 50 mpg, but I didn’t...
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