by sutherland | Mar 28, 2016 | Uncategorized
With what should have been the greatest heist of their career gone spectacularly sour, Locke and his trusted partner, Jean, have barely escaped with their lives. Or at least Jean has. But Locke is slowly succumbing to a deadly poison that no alchemist or physiker can...
by sutherland | Apr 28, 2015 | Uncategorized
I’m thrilled to announce that Elizabeth Klett, who did such a stellar job narrating Into the Dark, has agreed to narrate Mutineer as well. She’ll be working on it in June and July, so expect a late-Summer / early-Fall release. Alexis Carew #3, The Little...
by sutherland | Feb 13, 2015 | Uncategorized
Mutineer releases tomorrow (2/14) and I see that Amazon has already started processing the UK presales. Thank you everyone who preordered it — I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. 🙂 Alexis Carew #3, The Little Ships, is well...
by sutherland | Nov 16, 2014 | Uncategorized
Yes, Mutineer is now available for preorder on Amazon and I’m happy to reveal the new cover! Just as Midshipman Alexis Carew thinks she’s found a place in the Royal Navy, she’s transferred aboard H.M.S. Hermione. Her captain is a tartar, liberal with the cat,...
by sutherland | Sep 11, 2014 | Uncategorized
With Into the Dark at the editors and available for preorder on Amazon, I’ve been hard at work on the second book in the series. Tentatively titled Mutineer, work on Book Two topped thirty thousand words today and it’s targeted for release in the first...
by sutherland | Aug 22, 2014 | Uncategorized
The manuscript has been sent to the editor and the editing date has been moved up to 9/8. With that milestone, the book’s been opened for pre-orders at Amazon ( with an “official” release date of 11/20. 🙂 The editor and I will...