by sutherland | Aug 8, 2014 | Uncategorized
The updates to the Into the Dark from beta-reader feedback are almost complete and it’s scheduled to go to the editor on September 15th. So I’m anticipating that it will be available for purchase in digital format sometime in October. The print version...
by sutherland | May 25, 2014 | Uncategorized
Into the Dark is complete and ready for Beta Readers, so if you’d like to read the book before it’s published and have the opportunity to provide feedback, just email me at [email protected] and let me know what format you prefer (Mobi (Kindle),...
by sutherland | Jul 28, 2012 | 2012roadtrip, Uncategorized
I was skeptical, but the things actually work well.Twenty-nine days, through some of the hottest parts of the country at the hottest time of year. Vegas at 110-degrees and hiking the Grand Canyon were the biggest tests and the Magic Underwear performed flawlessly. It...
by sutherland | Jul 28, 2012 | 2012roadtrip, Uncategorized
Well … after driving over 9700 miles in 28 days, I think I can now offer an opinion about the Toyota Prius. The gas mileage is obviously its most outstanding feature, averaging 46.8 mpg over the 9700 miles. This is lower than the advertised 50 mpg, but I didn’t...
by sutherland | Jul 28, 2012 | 2012roadtrip, Uncategorized
Of the twenty-eight nights in hotels for this trip, I booked twenty of them through Priceline. Checking the forums on BiddingForTravel gave me an idea of what winning bids were like for a given area, rather than blindly trying to figure out where to start the...
by sutherland | Jul 28, 2012 | 2012roadtrip, Uncategorized
This trip was amazing. Every day was incredibly full of things to do and see. On the ride home it seemed like we’d only just started and that we’d been on the road forever. The Painted Desert seemed like it was months ago. Once we crossed back into...