Months of Updates and My First Lesson
So … long time since my last post. Personal issues have kept me mostly off the ice and I won’t get into too many details except to say that if your marriage counselor ever recommends this book: Accept that life as you know it is over, then find yourself some...
Sunday Skate
The Summer Youth League starts July 10 and T will be done with his lessons by then and ready to join a team. I, on the other hand, will be nowhere near ready. :( So the little snot’ll be playing before me. If I could get on the ice more for practice then I might...
Things I Want to Do
This is the Florida-list of paddles I want to do and doesn’t include U.S. or world trips. 7-Mile Bridge I’ve always found it a bit strange that for all the time I’ve spent in the Keys I’ve never paddled 7-Mile Bridge. (view in Google Earth) I’ve paddled a lot of the...
It’s a formula that’s worked for cats, dogs and attempts at English translation – so now, lolSkates. The difference, though, is that my skating can make you laugh without misspelled captions. At today’s skate I had the girl-child take some video of me so I could...
Happy Birthday at Haulover
For my birthday morning, I took my daughter and a friend of hers to Haulover Canal. View Haulover Canal in a larger map After a long drive to pick up her Little Boy Friend*, we hit Subway for breakfast and to pick up lunch. At Subway, they gave me a Sharpie to...
Two Mondays on the Wekiva – Part II
For today’s trip on the Wekiva, I headed for Wilson’s Landing at State Road 46 to put in. View Wekiva - Wilson's Landing in a larger map The forecast all week calls for scattered thundershowers and halfway to drop my daughter off for her class and my couple...
Two Mondays on the Wekiva – Part I
I was lazy last week and didn’t post about one of my trips, so will have to take care of that today. In the past when I’ve tried to get back to paddling, one of the problems has been time. With a family there always seems to be something that needs to be done,...
Boat Fever
Florida Bay Outfitters has an annual torment Paul rental fleet sale: Why am I drooling this year? Wilderness Systems Tarpon 160 w/ Rudder for $845 Yes, I already have a Tarpon, but it’s the older model. ...
Weekly Skate
Nothing earth-shaking in skating this week. T had his regular lesson today and I went to the public skate – after his lesson, he joined me and I had him work on his crossover and backward skating a little bit. I didn’t start the four-week skating lessons...
Honeymoon Island
I had a bit of a later start than I planned this morning, due mostly to a muttered “oh, hell, no” and slap at the alarm clock around 0-dark-thirty. Once up, though, I loaded the car and hit the road for Dunedin, FL, stopping just twice: Subway for breakfast and lunch...