Alexis Carew Series Books

The Queen’s Pardon Release Update

Queen's Pardon Release Update 10/27/2018: All looks like it's resolved now. The title is back for sale and the preorder is set for delivery 10/29. Yay! 🙂 Some of you may have noticed that The Queen's Pardon is currently listed as "not for sale" on This is...

Book Recommendation: The Long Black

Morgan always assumed that if she could survive growing up in the mines of Planet Hillman – feared for its brutal conditions and gravity twice that of Earth – she could survive anything.
That was before she became a starship mechanic. Now she has to contend with hostile bosses, faulty equipment, and even taking care of her friend’s little girl. Once pirates show up, it’s a wonder she can get any work done at all.

Book Recommendation: Causes of Separation

Yes, I'm recommending it while it's still in prerelease and it's book two in a series, I don't normally do either of those things, but I read this already as part of the author's Kickstarter, and it's every bit as good as the first in series. If you didn't...

Book Recommendation: The Stars Entwined

The Aryshan Empire and Earth are on the brink of war!

After several recent attacks along the border of Aryshan space, internal affairs agent Sean Barrows is brought to Palmer Station to ensure the Interplanetary Navy’s on the right track in their terrorism investigations. What he discovers could lead to the biggest war the galaxy has ever seen. Sean’s work leads him to his most dangerous assignment yet—into the heart of Aryshan territory as a spy.

March 2018 Update

First we'll have the update on the writing and next books, because that's the most important thing, yes? The writing has been chugging along much smoother this year than last, with the discipline and schedule I fell into the last half of 2017 continuing....

Comms Lasers in Darkspace

So the question came up in regards to Privateer and Alexis’ use of a comms laser to communicate with Malcomson in normal-space: Why, then, do ships not use this in darkspace? Why the complicated, visible-light signaling process?

Aside from the author’s desire for Age of Sail signaling in an Age of Sail In Space book, of course.

Book Recommendation: Ordnance by Andrew Vaillencourt

Roland Tankowicz wasn’t even legally a person anymore. The aging cyborg had never really recovered from being betrayed and enslaved by his superiors in the Army, and the final insult of being permanently classified as “defunct military ordnance” had been a...

2017 to 2018: The Past and the Plan

Authors usually do these year-end review things in December … but I’m including my plan for 2018, so January seems a better fit.

2017 was a decent year for me. I published Privateer and Spacer (in the Orphans in the Black anthology) and finally, after years of trying, settled into a really productive writing regime that’s starting to pay off bigly.