Looking for a Future Division
In a couple months T’ll be done with learn to skate and then we’ll both take a learn to play class. After that, I’m pretty sure he’ll be ready to play on a team, but I’m not so sure about myself. The kid’s picking things up and improving a lot faster than I can....
My First Skate and Shoot
So how, exactly, do we get from the boy-child’s skating lessons to me being on the ice in full hockey gear? The progression of logic is as simple as it is horrifying: Boy-child needs ice time; Skate and shoot is recommended; I should be on the ice with him and should...
I got my hockey stop
Now I haven’t skated much over the years … maybe twice a year since 1995 or thereabouts, so I’m okay, but not great. I can make it around the ice reasonably quickly, snowplow stop and if you watch long enough (or possibly use a time-lapse camera) you can see me making...
Boy-child: Lesson Three
Proper shin and elbow pads, plus a jersey one of the coaches gave him last week and T is starting to look like he means business. At the public skate after class he keeps his shin pads on and starts going to his knees and sliding like they taught him in class today,...
Second skating lesson for the boy-child …
We arrive at the ice and I have him wearing his bicycle elbow and knee pads … I haven’t had time to find some for him and Play It Again Sports doesn’t have any used. Well, he heads for the far end of the ice where the highest-level group is and I think, “uh, oh … he...
The boy-child’s first lesson
In a new pair of gloves and used helmet and skates from Play It Again Sports, the boy-child takes the ice for his first learn-to-skate lesson. To my eyes, he seems to be doing okay. Not falling down a lot or anything. After the class, he tells me he’s getting...
Dementia has clearly set in …
Forty-two years old … Largely sedentary for the last decade … Never played organized sports in my life … Raised in sunny Florida … Obviously I’m the perfect candidate to start playing ice hockey. No? Not obvious? So how did I get myself into this situation? Born in...
GiSTEQ PhotoTrackr Lite – A New Toy
Having been on vacation this last week not only gave me the chance to do some paddling, it also gave me the chance to try out a new toy. When I started this blog, one of the things I wanted to do was to provide photos of the trips to Google Earth via Panoramio. ...
Wekiva River
After nearly soiling myself passing a very large gator at close range on the Econlockhatchee, I decided something more leisurely and sedate was in order, so I headed for Wekiwa Springs State Park to paddle the Wekiva River. The springs and the river actually do have...
Econlockhatchee River (lower) — Failed Trip
The Econ has not been kind to me this week. After failing earlier in an attempt to paddle the upper stretch, I returned this morning for the lower segment, which is 11-miles and runs from Snow Hill Road to State Road 46, a short ways down the St. Johns River...