Alexis Carew Series Books

Business of Writing: Quickbooks Self Employed

I’m going to be talking about Quickbooks Self Employed (QBSE) a lot in the series of posts on taxes, so figured it would be useful to have a full review post of it. Quickbooks has multiple offerings, so it’s important to understand that I use and recommend the Self Employed product, and this review isn’t of the Online or Desktop offerings. Those are good products too, I’m sure, but I think they’re overpowered for use by the typical author.

Business of Writing: Estimated Taxes

The IRS recommends you use their multipage worksheet (, which involves estimating your income and deductions, both personal and business – and, since writing is a pretty variable business, you should do that worksheet for each quarterly estimated tax payment …
Which is sort of like having to do you taxes five times a year, in my opinion.

So … I guess I’m on Patreon now …

I've been working on a Patreon page for several months now -- as well as hemming and hawing about whether to actually make it public. Patreon's a rather different model -- one I'm not entirely sure I'm comfortable with -- because it's "support" rather than "purchase"....

Mad Cow – a new short story from a drug-induced dream

Frank and James think they have the perfect scheme — use the magic Frank learned from his grandfather to scam drug dealers out of their money. Who are they going to complain to if they can’t even remember the deal? Just one problem … near the full-moon, there are some...

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