I know many of you are anxiously awaiting the audio for the latest Alexis Carew book, so here’s the latest.

Elizabeth’s been working hard on the audio version of The Queen’s Pardon, and she’s uploaded about 2/3 of it for my review. She’s expecting to have the rest done by the 21st. I’m reviewing what she’s finished this weekend, and promise I’ll keep up with her!

There’ll be a few days, and it will take some time with the holidays, for me to let her know of anything that needs to be fixed in the audio — there’s always a few, but very few, things that need to be fixed … usually faults in the text I went her. 😀

After I approve it, there’s an indeterminate amount of time when Audible reviews things as well — this is typically two weeks. So if I approve by the first of the year, I’d expect Audible to make it available for sale by mid-January. It will be a bit after that before Amazon gets whispersync enabled for it though.

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